【實用個人化app】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子

Octa UI is an icon pack theme for launchers such as GO, Nova, Apex, Action, Smart, and many more. The theme transforms your icons into some sleek, flat, and octagon-shaped icons. The colour palette, which was used to create the icons, features only 8 colors, this makes the icons tie to each other and gives them a unified look - and Icons should have a unified look! As usual with icon packs, you must have one of the launchers below installed in order to apply the theme.


• 960+ HD Icons rendered at 144x144px

• Iconmask/Iconback support for unthemed icons

• 6 HD wallpapers

【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子

• Multiple launcher support

• Dashboard app

• Built-In icon requester

Supported Launchers:

【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子

• GO

• Nova

• Apex

• Action


【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子

• Epic

• Holo

• Smart

There are probably some other supported launchers out there, but I haven't tested them all. Support for more launchers will follow with updates.

【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子


• If you have changed some icons manually, please make sure you set your icons back to the standard icon before applying the theme by either setting them back manually or resetting your launchers settings. Otherwise the icons won't apply automatically.

• GO Launcher users, please do the following steps to get the best results. Home Screen -> Open Menu -> Select "Preferences" -> "Icons" -> uncheck "show icon base".


• If you have any icon requests, then send me the apps names by simply using the built-in icon request tool.

【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子

• Please don't request icons for apps that already have an icon - so, check twice before you send your request.

• I get a lot of requests, therefore I can't assure that you'll get all the requested icons.

I'll be constantly updating this icon pack. If you have any questions, wishes or suggestions, then feel free to contact me. If you like the icons, then please leave a review or rate the app.


【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子

Dashboard-App Template by Jai Romeo

Icon Request Tool by Nguyen Tung

Video Review by Robert Olejnik

【免費個人化App】Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme)-APP點子

免費玩Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme) APP玩免費

免費玩Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme) App

Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme) APP LOGO

Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme) LOGO-APP點子

Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme) APP QRCode

Octa UI (GO Apex Nova Theme) QRCode-APP點子
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play



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