【實用生活app】Ohana • Family Calendar|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Ohana • Family Calendar|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Ohana • Family Calendar-APP點子

Ohana allows you to manage your family’s events easily. Unlike complicated business-oriented calendars, Ohana combines the simplicity of a paper calendar with all the possibilities of your iPad. Our imaginative designs make for eye-catching print-outs. By the way, Ohana is hawaiian and means family.See all events for a month at a single glance. More detailed information is just a click away. In contrast to classic paper calendars, Ohana’s layout is optimized for your family's size. Keep the calendar handy by printing it out and hanging it on your fridge or wall. Or send it in PDF-format by email.Family life needs to fit in with other aspects of daily life. Ohana helps you keep track of everything by enabling you to synchronise activities from the personal calendars of each family member (e.g. iCloud, Exchange, Google). This lets you see all events from your partner's and children's calendars at a glance, alongside family events. Additionally, if you have the corresponding calendar installed, you can use your smartphone to manage synchronised events from anywhere.Every event is different. Picking up your son after his school trip is a one-time event, your wedding anniversary occurs every year and your daughter's horse-riding lessons take place twice a week for a single month. Ohana supports these different types of events in an intuitive way.A family calendar has to look good, too. Ohana provides several lovingly-designed themes for you to choose from and personalise.Features:- All family events for a month at a single glance- Individual synchronisation with other calendars for each family member - Do never again lack of space in your family calendar. Ohana fits your needs.- Create, modify and manage your appointments.- Choose your favourite out of several lovingly-designed themes.- Use your own photos or pick one of the avatars provided by Ohana.- Print out a desired month or send it in PDF-format by email

【免費生活App】Ohana • Family Calendar-APP點子

【免費生活App】Ohana • Family Calendar-APP點子

【免費生活App】Ohana • Family Calendar-APP點子

【免費生活App】Ohana • Family Calendar-APP點子

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