【實用家庭片app】Older Sisters Daily Care|最夯免費app

【實用家庭片app】Older Sisters Daily Care|最夯免費app


【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

The older sisters are preparing to go out with the girlfriends but first they need to spend a little time in front of the mirror!

Play and discover what kind of spa treatment each girl needs. Find the amusing differences between their personalities, tastes and needs when they:

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

- do their manicure and hairstyle,

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

- take good care of their skin and hair,

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

- choose all kinds of accessories for the evening!

Unlock the jewelry collection and discover them all while playing! Find which jewels would suit each girl the most!

Game features

Five beautiful girls of different ethnic groups. For each of them:

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* About 35 mini tasks to get ready

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Wash, rinse, dry and cream hands

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Clean, cut and file nails

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Original nail arts and accessories

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Wash, rinse, dry and brush hair

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Original hairstyles and accessories

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Clean, rinse, dry and cream facial processes

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Original makeups and accessories

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Realistic sounds and beautiful music

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* Surprise items and extras!

What’s Inside

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* 5 different girls of different ethnic groups

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* 20 hand care items and tools

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* 10 different nail polishes

【免費家庭片App】Older Sisters Daily Care-APP點子

* 15 hair care items and tools

* 30 facial cleaning items tools

* 30 makeup items and tools

* 20 accessories of all kinds

* 25 jewelry pieces

And many surprises for you to discover!

Discover more fun with TutoTOONS!

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