【實用購物app】Online Shopping|最夯免費app

【實用購物app】Online Shopping|最夯免費app


【免費購物App】Online Shopping-APP點子

Online Shopping app is designed in Android L and Windows style.

Feeling confused to download which app for shopping and which one for recharge or to pay your mobile bill or you have downloaded many apps for shopping and now running out of memory for other apps.

This app helps you in saving your mobile's memory space. You need not want to install different shopping apps or recharge apps and stand out of memory for your other applications. We have included most of the shopping websites and most of the recharge providers and network operators in our Online Shopping app so that you have a choice to decide and shop or recharge.

Shop Online








【免費購物App】Online Shopping-APP點子









【免費購物App】Online Shopping-APP點子



-shoppers stop



-india times shopping


-fashion & you

【免費購物App】Online Shopping-APP點子


Recharge Online



-easy recharge




-tata docomo

【免費購物App】Online Shopping-APP點子




The menu screen has the interface of Android L and the sub menus are in Windows 8 style which gives you a different look and feel to use the application.

This application is safe enough as the app never saves your card details or other personal details.

This app works only in portrait view and soon we will be launching the app for 7 inch and 10 inch tabs.

【免費購物App】Online Shopping-APP點子

免費玩Online Shopping APP玩免費

免費玩Online Shopping App

Online Shopping APP LOGO

Online Shopping LOGO-APP點子

Online Shopping APP QRCode

Online Shopping QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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