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【實用娛樂app】Optional Conference|最夯免費app


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Optional Conference, Budapest, 24-25th March, 2015 offers you an insightinto Agile and Lean management with real-life examples and case studies.You can learn new techniques, leading technologies, best practices andworking theories from prestigious international speakers.Although invented in the IT sector, Agile spreads out to other domainsto help companies succeed in today’s white-water business environmentso this conference has a wide range of topics: agile culture, businessand case studies, leadership techniques, technology and QA, scrum andlean.The conference app helps you to find your way through the two-dayprogramme of the three conference rooms. Discover the programme, learnmore about the speakers and create your own conference schedule byselecting the sessions that fit your interest.Main features:- Detailed conference programme- Speakers' bios- Sessions' synopses- Registration- Workshop offers- Venue information- My programme- Set reminders for specific sessions- Invite colleagues to specific sessions- Ask speakers- Rate speakers- Send feedback- Share your experiences on Facebook

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