【實用生產應用app】PCNA Events 2015|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】PCNA Events 2015|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】PCNA Events 2015-APP點子

Welcome to the official interactive mobile app for the PCNA Annual SymposiumThis mobile app allows you to:* View and plan schedules, explore sessions, share information, and network!* Create your own personal schedule and access location and speaker information.* Access interactive maps and find local places.* Check-in to sessions, meetings, keynotes, and exhibitor booths.* View an entire feed of the event activity, including attendee check-ins, photos, and more.* Expand your network and have fun!* Take part in PCNA Advocacy events.Features of this app:* Update - a quick way to share photos, comments, where you are, and which session you’re attending.* Activity - keep your finger on the pulse of the event. See what people are doing, view photos from the event, find trending sessions and topics, and “like” and comment on other attendee check-ins.* Agenda - view the full agenda and related information (session time, room number, speaker info, etc.).* Exhibitors - find exhibitors and sponsors, check-in to leave comments and feedback.* Profile - your official app profile, highlighting your name, profile photo, title, and company.Enjoy the app and the event!The PCNA Events app was created by DoubleDutch, the leading provider of branded mobile applications for events, conferences and trade shows worldwide. The DoubleDutch platform is designed to thrill attendees and empower event organizers with powerful analytics. Create engaging, memorable events and conferences with a DoubleDutch mobile app today.

【免費生產應用App】PCNA Events 2015-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PCNA Events 2015-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PCNA Events 2015-APP點子

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