【實用教育app】PSA PMP® 5e FREE Eval Edition|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】PSA PMP® 5e FREE Eval Edition|最夯免費app


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PSA PMP 5e is the evaluation (i.e. FREE) Edition of the PSA PMP 5 app suite designed to help students and practicing Project Managers learn and retain concepts and content found in the 5th Edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK®).

PSA PMP 5e is a free, limited content edition PSA PMP 5P application. This 5e Edition contains about 15% of the content found in the 5P (Purchased) Edition and is intended for you to verify that it runs well on your mobile device and see how this training app will help you prepare for the PMP or CAPM exam.

PMI is scheduled to switch their PMP and CAPM certification exams from the 4th Edition to the 5th Edition beginning on July 31st, 2013.

IMPORTANT! If you expect to sit for the PMP or CAPM exams BEFORE July 31st, 2013, then you should evaluate PSA PMP 4e or purchase PSA PMP 4P (also available at play.google.com).

PSA PMP 5e contains all of the drills, tools, and reference material found in PSA PMP 4P, but with all of the revised and additional content from the 5th Edition of the PMBOK. The Reference Tools include 600+ terms, 50+ acronyms, and 27 formulas. Additionally, PSA PMP 5P includes new Process and ITTO Search Tools which enable you to search and identify all the processes that use a specific ITTO (Input, Tool & Technique, Output).

* Designed, written and tested by certified PMP® credential holders from The Project Solvers of America, Inc., a leading US-based, PMI Register Education Provider.

* Complete Knowledge Area study guide. Eliminates flash cards, and gives statistical feedback on study performance.

* Track your progress and understanding of the PM content using proficiency levels which rate your skill based on the number of correctly answered questions and elapsed time. You will start as a ”Beginner" and as you become more skilled eventually graduate up to "Master".

* Multiple Language support: English for all user interfaces to application and data. Option for Spanish, French, and German for all user interfaces and English for data content. Chinese, Arabic, and Portuguese to be added in June 2013.

Product Features:

1) Practice Drills

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* Process Groups

* Knowledge Areas

* Process Inputs, Outputs, Tools/Techniques (ITTO)

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* Formulas

2) Reference Tools

* Acronyms, Terminology and Formula Definitions all with speech feedback for hands free studying

* PMBOK 5th Edition ® Framework Diagram

3) Process & ITTO Search Tools

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* ITTO Finder (identifies which processes use a specific Input, Tool & Technique, or Output)

* Process ITTO Finder (displays the ITTOs for each of the 5th Edition's 47 processes)

* Pre & Post Process Finder (displays a upstream and downstream processes for a specific process

4) Exam Tools

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* Time Planner - Calculates how many seconds per exam question when factoring in review time and breaks.

* Preparation Best Practices

* Affirmations to boost confidence

5) Utilities

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* App Settings

* Quiz scores are stored on your mobile device and can be imported into Excel or Open Office for trending and analysis

* Web links for discounts on CAPM / PMP® Boot Camps

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* Extensive library of app training videos at www.app19.com

User Interface has been optimized for android-based Phones and Tablets.

Runs on your Windows PC with the android YouWave software.

Runs on Amazon Kindle Fire and Fire HD eReaders

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Runs on android-based Barnes and Noble Nook eReaders

Coming Soon: Will be available on Blackberry Z10 and Windows Phone 7 & 8 later this year.

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