【實用工具app】Paniko, the panic button|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Paniko, the panic button|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

Paniko is an application that lets you call for help silently, quickly and safely.

You can use it when you are in distress, medical emergencies or any other time when you need help.

Paniko main functions are:

- Geolocation of alerts.

- Alerts via email and SMS.

【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

- Alerts by social networks.

- Integration with Facebook and Twitter.

【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

- Customize messages.

- Establishment of emergency calls automatically.

【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

- Configuration of alert recipients.

- Configuration of contact numbers.

【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

- Integration with the database of your contacts.

- Possibility to activate the 'test' mode.

【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

- Integrated Contact Form.

- Integrated Help and FAQ section.

To start using Paniko, you must configure the numbers and email addresses of people to which you want the alerts to be sent in an emergency. You can customize the alert message that will be sent by SMS and email. You can choose which phone number to use as a reference for establishing automatic calls. And you can decide what types of alerts will be sent.

When you need it, by just pressing the red button on the main screen, your geographic location will be determined and all necessary alarms will be generated to transmit information about your situation to your contacts. Paniko can also use social networks to publish these alerts so that they are seen quickly in your community and your group.

【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

* Paniko will be available completely free for a limited period of time. Take advantage of it!

【免費工具App】Paniko, the panic button-APP點子

免費玩Paniko, the panic button APP玩免費

免費玩Paniko, the panic button App

Paniko, the panic button APP LOGO

Paniko, the panic button LOGO-APP點子

Paniko, the panic button APP QRCode

Paniko, the panic button QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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