



No ads, no fluff. Securely store all of your passwords in one place.

Key Features


- Secure password storage with single PIN login


- PIN recovery with personal security question


- Alphabetical organization of account names


- Password generator


- Import/Export passwords (Beta)


- Easily add, delete or edit accounts


- NO advertisements. NO internet access required like other password storage apps

This is a super simple data storage app to keep your passwords and private information safe from other people and easy for you to access.

Your forgotten PIN can be recovered with a security question that you set.

When adding an entry, you'll notice the fields are labeled Key, Value, and Value (Optional). Use the Key field to specify what exactly you're trying to save. If it's your Facebook password, type Facebook. The two value fields can be used for username and password, respectively.

The second value field is optional if you just want to store two lines of information. This is helpful if you also want to store something other than login credentials.

To add an entry, hit the plus sign.

Tap an entry you'd like to edit to modify its data.

Fore more options like copying username and password and deleting an item, press and hold.

Password importing and exporting is included, but is in beta mode and may be difficult for some users. I am working on making this easier to use! Thanks for your patience!

Please feel free to make any suggestions for new features or changes! I really do listen to your requests!


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