【實用工具app】Peace of Mind +|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Peace of Mind +|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Peace of Mind +-APP點子

Peace of Mind is an Android app developed by ConnectXcite Inc., a software solutions company based out of Massachusetts, USA. Peace of Mind is a data security application. Same as Peace of Mind, Peace of Mind Plus app helps the user of a mobile phone to delete data from his phone when it is lost or stolen. The user can delete data remotely simply by sending a text message to the lost mobile number. Both the application has very similar features that protect personal information residing in an Android Phone. The difference is that Peace of Mind is a B2C app where it is directly sold to customers from the Google Play store, whereas for the plus version will be available free for customers of large companies, banks et.al.

The user has to enter a unique password during the app installation. This password is to be used when the phone is lost. To delete all the data on the phone, the user would need to send a text message, containing a unique string “peace of mind” or “delete all my data’ followed by the password he had set, to the lost mobile number. The erase action would be triggered without anyone’s knowledge.

If someone attempts to change the SIM of the lost or stolen mobile phone, the phone would ask for the password. Three wrong attempts would lead to all data on the phone being erased without giving any warning.

Peace of Mind is a very simple to use app, it does not require a user to log into a web interface or go through complicated control processes before allowing the user to erase the data.

It just insures peace of mind :)

【免費工具App】Peace of Mind +-APP點子

免費玩Peace of Mind + APP玩免費

免費玩Peace of Mind + App

Peace of Mind + APP LOGO

Peace of Mind + LOGO-APP點子

Peace of Mind + APP QRCode

Peace of Mind + QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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