【實用商業app】Peacekeeping & Stability Links Africa 2014|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】Peacekeeping & Stability Links Africa 2014|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】Peacekeeping & Stability Links Africa 2014-APP點子

Introducing ConfLinks' Peacekeeping & Stability Links Africa 2014 event being held at the Hilton Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 24-25 June 2014. This important event will address the ever-growing concern for long-term security, development and stability across the continent by bringing Government, U.S., UN and International Agency stakeholders together with leading local, regional and global operators for idea sharing and bilateral discussions focussed on public-private partnerships (PPPs). Discussions will include topics around supporting peacekeeping operations, regional resilience, critical infrastructure, construction, capacity building, equipment procurement with a firm focus on post-operational challenges such as food security, disaster management, displaced citizens, health and in particular logistics solutions; air charter, air lift, trucking, shipping and freight forwarding.The PSLAfrica2014 mobile application is a valuable resource and can be used to view information about this much anticipated event such as details of participating Government & agency officials, sponsors, delegates, the agenda and presentations, venue information and much more. Detailed speaker bios and a list of the confirmed delegation are also contained within this free and easy to use App; a must-have reference for all Event attendees. Please contact info(at)conflinks.com should you require further assistance.

【免費商業App】Peacekeeping & Stability Links Africa 2014-APP點子

【免費商業App】Peacekeeping & Stability Links Africa 2014-APP點子

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シェイクスピア名作 名セリフとチャーチル

英国の生んだ二人の偉人にフォーカスをあてました(1)ウィリアム・シェイクスピア・エリザベス1世の治世にあって、英国一の売れっ子劇作家になり、彼の建てたグローブ座は今でも米国ブロードウェイと並ぶ演劇のメッカ。シェイクスピアは一体どんな生涯を歩んだのか?何をして彼を世界で最も有名な脚本家にしたのか?・三 …