



Make life even easier - with Peapod in your pocket! Peapod’s free Android application lets you shop for groceries or update your Peapod order wherever you are, at any time - on the train, in the doctor's office, at the airport..Start an order, modify an order, finish and place an order - you can do it all on Peapod mobile!

Peapod’s app has our most convenient shopping features along with some features exclusively available to mobile users.

*Search – type in search words, enter a UPC, or even scan the barcode to find exactly what you need.


*Weekly Specials – save money with the thousands of items on sale each week.


*My Lists and Previous Purchases – easily shop from the items you’ve bought before.


*My Specials – choose from a list of your past purchases on sale this week.


*Guess My Order - a speedy way to shop that adds the items you frequently buy with a single touch. It’s like magic.


*Barcode Scanning - Scan products to easily add to your cart (app needs access to your camera)

Looking to find the healthiest choices? One touch lets you review the nutrition facts and ingredient list for the products in our store.

You can also choose or change a delivery.

NEW TO PEAPOD? Fill your cart with the groceries you want and check your delivery options. When it’s time to place your first order, visit our full site or call us to register and lock in the delivery time.

Download the app today!

About Peapod

Founded in 1989 as a smart shopping option for busy people, Peapod stands today as the country's leading Internet grocer. With over 17 million deliveries made, Peapod provides quality you can trust and convenience you’ll treasure - satisfaction guaranteed! Save time – Save Money – Do it all on Peapod.

Peapod serves the metro areas of Boston, Chicago, Hartford, Milwaukee, New Haven, Providence and Washington, D.C., Suburban New York City and communities in the states of Connecticut, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia and Wisconsin. The Skokie, Illinois-based company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Ahold in The Netherlands, has made over 20 million deliveries.

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