【實用新聞app】Pennsylvania Local News|最夯免費app

【實用新聞app】Pennsylvania Local News|最夯免費app


【免費新聞App】Pennsylvania Local News-APP點子

Keep up to date with a stream of updates from around the state of Arizona

long description:

Stay up to the minute on the current news and stories from around Pennsylvania. Get the news you need and an endless stream of stories you love.

We have kept this app small and light which means that it loads quickly to bring you easy access to headlines from around Pennsylvania. Covering the entire state including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Allentown, Erie, Reading, Scranton, Bethlehem, Lancaster, and more! Also covering the major sports teams from around the state including the Philadelphia Eagles, Philadelphia Flyers, Philadelphia Phillies, Pittsburgh Penguins, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Pittsburgh Steelers.

Favorite features:

【免費新聞App】Pennsylvania Local News-APP點子

- Local feed of stories and articles

- Ability to easily share your favorite articles across platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and through Email.

【免費新聞App】Pennsylvania Local News-APP點子

- Get summaries before reading the full article

- Enjoy beautiful visual cards that display images from each story

This app aggregates from local news, weather, sports, newspapers, articles, networks, and channels

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