【實用生產應用app】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

If you think the app is anything less than 5 stars, we want to hear from you directly! Do you have something you would like us to add or a complaint? Please tell us via email! We can't reply to reviews.Follow us on twitter: shaolollcWe love user feedback, please keep sending us email (preferably with something in it. I get a lot of empty email.)!PercentDiff is the original multi-result percent calculator application.Using PercentDiff is incredibly easy. There are two tabs. One for two numbers, and one for a number and a percentage. Input your numbers on either tab and all values will be calculated.The two modes currently available are:A. % Change (Number 1 to Number 2)This mode will calculate:1. Percent increase** This mode can also be used to calculate gross sales markup2. Percent decrease** This mode can also be used to calculate gross margin3. Percent difference4. Number 1 as a percent of Number 25. Number 2 as a percent of Number 1B. % Of (Percent of number)This mode will calculate:1. Percent of X2. X plus percent** Can also be used to calculate markup on a product3. X minus percent** Can also be used to calculate markdown on a product4. X as a percent of an original number5. X as a percent increase of an original number6. X as a percent decrease of an original numberWe strive to make our apps as simple to use as possible.Please FEEL FREE TO EMAIL US feedback. We would like to know how users interact with the app and how we can improve upon it.Future versions will require iOS 5 or iOS 6 as a minimum. Please upgrade.

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator-APP點子

免費玩PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator APP玩免費

免費玩PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator App

PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator APP LOGO

PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator LOGO-APP點子

PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator APP QRCode

PercentDiff - the Shaolo Percent and Percentage Calculator QRCode-APP點子
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