【實用書籍app】Perfect Dog – Large Breeds|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】Perfect Dog – Large Breeds|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】Perfect Dog – Large Breeds-APP點子


Perfect Dog – Large Breeds provides rich photos and detailed information on nearly 80 popular and rare dog breeds that are above average in size. With Perfect Dog – Large Breeds, each large dog breed is cataloged alphabetically (or by group) with a thumbnail image and breed name. Perfect Dog – Large Breeds makes scrolling through nearly 80 dogs easy and intuitive! Users may search for a large dog by selecting simple yet reliable lifestyle settings (e.g. sheds a little or sheds a lot) or indicating desired physical attributes (e.g. floppy ears). Perfect Dog – Large Breeds then provides a list of breeds that matches selected criteria. If you are planning to add a large dog to your household, want to find a large dog that suits your lifestyle, or simply have seen a large dog and wondered what breed it is, Perfect Dog – Large Breeds is the solution for you.


【免費書籍App】Perfect Dog – Large Breeds-APP點子

With Perfect Dog – Large Breeds, you can learn detailed information about each breed including size, temperament, and whether you will be living with dog hair on your furniture (Did you know that some large dogs do not shed?) You can read or hear audio about where the breed originated and why it was originally bred. Did you know, for example, that Akitas were used to hunt bears and boars and could only be owned by a Japanese Imperial Family? Did you know that the Pharaoh Hound was depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphics thousands of years ago? Perfect Dog – Large Breeds even includes detailed information on the latest designer breeds such as the Labradoodle.


Perfect Dog – Large Breeds’ FETCH feature gives you the ability to search for the perfect breed based on important lifestyle criteria such as a breed’s energy level, disposition, shedding/grooming requirements and protection. Once you make the lifestyle selections that are important to you and your family, FETCH does the rest by instantly ranking every breed that matches your criteria. From there, you can learn all about the breeds that are suitable for you and your family.

【免費書籍App】Perfect Dog – Large Breeds-APP點子

Perfect Dog – Large Breeds’ GROOM feature gives you the ability to search for a breed based upon physical attributes. The next time you see a large dog and you're not sure what breed it is, the GROOM screen can quickly figure out the answer. By simply selecting some of the dog’s physical characteristics such as “floppy ears” and “pushed in face” you'll find out the mystery breed’s name in no time.

【免費書籍App】Perfect Dog – Large Breeds-APP點子

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Perfect Dog – Large Breeds APP LOGO

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Perfect Dog – Large Breeds APP QRCode

Perfect Dog – Large Breeds QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store
香港 Hong KongiOS
App Store
HK$ 8.00
App Store
