【實用攝影app】Photo Grid|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Photo Grid|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

Photo Grid has a collection than 100 templates grid frames, art frame, photo frame in different aspect ratio very beautiful. Photo Grid edit photo with square frames and 1000 icons and stickers so funny and lovely. Ease to collage and make your photo become a funny photo or lovely photo very very wonderful.

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

Photo Grid has photo editor extremely powerful not inferior photoshop. Manage your photos by layer, full basic editing tools such as select, move, rotate, flip, collage, resize, zoom, effects, overlay ...

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

Photo Grid helps you more than the simple creative collage. More than 100 grids and they are organize based on the number of photographs that you can embed

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

Main features of Photo Grid :

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Over than 100 templates grid frames, frames art, love frames in different aspect ratio very beautiful

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Over 1000 stickers and icon. Fluent to collage with picture frames

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Nearly 500 backgrounds very awesome

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Tool edit photo very extremely powerful

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Change color of frame with Colour picker tool

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Save photo grid to sdcard/PhotoGrid/

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Ease to add text and change font and text color

【免費攝影App】Photo Grid-APP點子

+ Share your image via social networks: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, SMS, G+, Gmail, Zalo…

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+ Or you can set as live wallpaper on the application

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Just enjoy Photo Grid

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Photo Grid APP LOGO

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Photo Grid APP QRCode

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Photonia Photo Collage Editor Create your story via amazing Pic Frames and unique Collages with Capt

-.一个不可思议的接触,让您的照片,一个新的生命! -.你有没有想过给自己,“所有这些照片,为什么没有一个,我想在Facebook上” 为什么我的图片为其他人的一样酷吗? 您的图片可以是一样冷静,就像是唯一的。 Photonia将允许你给它一些额外的魅力,使其更凉爽的画面。 易于使用 -.Photo …