



PhotoApps has been created to manage the use of the camera and video functions. There are 13 functions provided:Camera - To take photos using the camera. Photos can be taken using any of the three functions. The app works as a normal camera, as well as having two special features. You can take multiple photos (automatic). This function automatically takes the photo every three seconds so you don't have to continuously press the button. The timed function automatically takes the photo after five seconds, so you can snap pictures with your whole family or friends. You can repeatedly take photos until the 'Done' button is pressed. Video - Take video.Play Video - Choose a video from the video library to watch. Videos taken from this app will also be available to watch.Photo Album - Choose multiple photos from the photo album or camera roll. Selected photos can be viewed here and they can also be used in the slideshow, email, upload to Facebook, or printed to an iphone supported printer. Slideshow - Play slideshow. Previously selected photos can be used in the slide show. There are 9 effects to choose from - Camera, Cube, Fade, Flip, Reveal, Ripple, Rotate, Slide, Vacuum. You have the option to add music from the music library. The music will play when the slideshow is running. You can also stop the slideshow while it is running by simply touching the screen.Photo Editor - This provides the option to edit your photos by adding filters, making adjustments, add effects, blur and focus photo, rotate, crop, resize, add emoticons and/or stickers and add text.Email - Email photos. Selected photos can be emailed to family or friends. Multiple photos can be sent in one email.SMS - Send SMS. This function allows you to send a SMS message without leaving the application.Facebook - Post and Upload Photos. You can post on Facebook and/or upload the selected photos. Twitter - Post and Upload Photo. You can tweet and/or upload the selected photo.Photo Gallery - Selected photos will be displayed in the photo gallery.Music - Play music. You can select your favourite music to play from the music library. The song title, artist, album title, genre, duration and album artwork will be displayed.Multiple songs can be selected at once, to create a temporary playlist. There is also a volume control slider to allow you to adjust the volume.Print - Print Photos. You can print the selected photos to an iphone supported printer. You also have the option to select the number of copies you want printed.










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360度全景拍照应用,软件支持3D照片查看。还可以通过Facebook和Twitter的3D查看器共享你的全景照片。 软件特点: 快速,1分钟内创建360度全景图。 直接向Twitter和Facebook 即时上传和分享互动的360意见 查看全景世界各地 地理标记您的全景图 平面图像将被存储在SD卡 …

玩图-全能手机P图神器,5000万用户的选择,不但基础功能强大,而且还有画中画、拼立得等创新功能。 ---功能特色--- 【拼立得】 创新的杂志拼图,完全颠覆传统的呆板无趣的拼图风格,让您的拼图瞬间高端大气上档次,而且会智能匹配拍照时天气、地点等信息,以精美的风格显示在照片上,让您的拼图不但好看,而 …

总是没时间好好记录每一天吗? Piary影像日记,让你只要用手机随手照照相,就可以写出一本漂亮的日记。 Piary根据你每天拍照的时间地点,自动整理出一笔一笔的记事,让你只要加几笔文字叙述,看心情做个封面,就可以留下每一天的精彩回忆。 功能: ★ 自动将每天相近时间与地点拍摄的照片,群组成一个动态 …

用最好的照片编辑器创造伟大的照片效果,并与朋友和家人使用BBM的Twitter,Facebook,电子邮件共享它们。也节省了凉爽的效果,并设置为桌面。创建效果,像灰色风格的照片,浮雕风格,油效果,霓虹效果,Pixealte风格,电视效果,反转风格,黑与白的效果,旧效果,锐化风格,灯光的效果。免費玩照 …

是隐藏真实的你,还是释放野性的自己! 野兽相机是一款很酷的相机应用,包含了100多种丰富的动物头像贴纸,包括霸气的老虎、狮子等各种野兽,也有卖萌的汪星人、喵星人等各种宠物,还有各种奇珍异兽等你来发现。自带多种的滤镜功能,超现实的效果,精心挑选的动物贴纸,快来发挥你的创意! 野兽相机让你最便捷的加上动 …

这是一款利用安卓手机镜头和麦克风采集视、音频数据,经过H264和AAC实时压缩后上传到流媒体服务器的移动互联网应用软件。用于网友分享即时拍摄的精彩影象画面,并在不同网友的手机上实时观看到实况画面。可用于交友社区、会议直播、行车黑匣子、远程教育。 功能:1、实现了音视频直播;2、实现了音频对讲;3、实 …