【實用社交app】PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook|最夯免費app

【實用社交app】PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook|最夯免費app


【免費社交App】PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook-APP點子

PhotoLoader allows you to batch upload hundreds of photos to your Facebook account in an easy and simple way. Stop wasting time with single photo uploads!

PhotoLoader is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to batch upload multiple photos from your iPhone to Facebook! Import your photos from the Photos app, edit and organize them and with one tap they will all get uploaded to Facebook!


- Import photos by selecting them in the Photos app or add them one by one using the image picker.

- Add photo captions.

- Rotate photos.

- Organize photos

- Create new photo albums before uploading.

- Batch upload selected photos to Facebook with one tap. PhotoLoader will preserve the order of your photos.

- Stay informed of the upload process with detailed progress indicators.

【免費社交App】PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook-APP點子

- PhotoLoader will save your pre-upload sessions. When you re-launch PhotoLoader you can continue where you left off.

- Uses Facebook Graph API for secure authentication and photo album operations.

- Efficient caching capabilities. Your Facebook photos will be cached on your iPhone.

- Smart thumbnail generation.

- Upload error detection. PhotoLoader will suggest you to try uploading failed photos again.

- Fullscreen Facebook photo album viewer with swipe and pinch features similar to the built-in Photos app.

- No internet connection required for organizing new pre-upload sessions.

- Works on edge/3G/WiFi

- Sound effects


- Facebook® and the F-logo are trademarks of Facebook Inc.

【免費社交App】PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook-APP點子

- Yakamoz Mobile is not a partner, affiliate or licensee of Facebook, nor is it in any other way formally associated with them.

【免費社交App】PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook-APP點子

免費玩PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook APP玩免費

免費玩PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook App

PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook APP LOGO

PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook LOGO-APP點子

PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook APP QRCode

PhotoLoader - Batch Photo Uploader for Facebook QRCode-APP點子
香港 Hong KongiOS
App Store
HK$ 15.00



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