【實用攝影app】Photoshop CS5 103|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Photoshop CS5 103|最夯免費app


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One of the most common techniques as a Photoshop user is to add text to an image or graphic. In this tutorial Photoshop Pro Nathan Fullerton shows you all the different ways you can approach Adding Text to Images in Photoshop...

Photoshop does text! In this tutorial Nathan Fullerton takes you through all the possible ways you can add text to a Photoshop project. It starts out with some introductory videos explaining how Photoshop handles text along with a review of the Photoshop user interface.

This is followed by an in-depth section that explains integrating text into an image using Text Layers and how they are formatted, arranged and sized. From there Nathan shows the technique of placing text into a separate box or “cover” and the different FX that can be applied to it. The next sections are all about adding captions and placing text on a shaped path.

Finally, Nathan wraps it all up by discussing specific types of projects: making a poster, designing a business card, and creating a promotional flyer. And, included in this tutorial are several pictures which you can use to help you recreate all of the projects on your own. You can find them as a ZIP file on the top of this product page after you’ve downloaded the tutorial or subscribed to MPV!

So join Nathan Fullerton in this tutorial and have fun Adding Text To Images!

Table of Contents:

01. Introduction

02. Primary Types of Text “Looks”

03. How Photoshop Handles Text

04. Review of the Photoshop Interface

05. Adding the Text Layer

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06. Formatting the Text

07. Moving the Text

08. Adding Effects or Layer Styles

09. Creating a Box With the Painting Tools

10. Adding Text Over the “Cover”

11. Grouping the Text and “Cover”

12. Adding Layer FX to the “Cover”

13. Creating Custom Non-Square “Covers”

14. Expanding the Canvas to Add A Caption

15. Cropping the Canvas for Printing

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16. Warping Text (the Indiana Jones Effect)

17. Text on a Custom Path

18. Advanced Layer FX (Layer Styles)

19. Text Around a Shape

20. The Tagline and URL

21. Adding the Credits (Lots of Formatting)

22. Halo Effect Behind the Title

23. Creating the Basic Card

24. Adding a Texture Via a Layer Mask

25. Text Over a Cover, On a Path, and In a Box

26. Common Image File Formats

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27. Saving PSD and JPEG Files

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