【實用教育app】Piano Prodigy 2|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Piano Prodigy 2|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Piano Prodigy 2-APP點子

iPhone5 and Mac supported!!!Piano prodigy can make you and your children fall in love with the piano! ◎Stave mode: Easy way to learn Musical Notation. ◎Song mode: Beautiful rainbow keys, built-in classic songs, colorful pattern scores.So that you and your children can play beautiful melodies in a simple and interesting way, and fell in love with the piano. ◎Training mode: Use your ears to distinguish the tones, call out the key name without thinking. Can you do that?Original training mode provide you the most simple way to learn these, Help you and your children one step further! ◎Tips mode: Do you feel many problems plaguing you? the piano prodigy can help you easily solve part of problems. A tip maybe can do a big thing! So many classic songs: ☆Twinkle Twinkle Little Star ☆ Mary Hand A little Lamb ☆Jingle Bells ☆Riding In My Car ☆London Bridge is Falling Down ☆Rain Rain Go Away ☆Old Macdonald Had A Farm ☆ Row Row Row Your Boot ☆Bingo ☆We Wish You A Merry Xmas ☆Skip To My Lou ☆Hickory Dickory Dock ☆Who Are You ☆All The Birds ☆Joy To The World ☆The First Noel

【免費教育App】Piano Prodigy 2-APP點子

【免費教育App】Piano Prodigy 2-APP點子

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免費玩Piano Prodigy 2 App

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Piano Prodigy 2 APP QRCode

Piano Prodigy 2 QRCode-APP點子
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美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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