【實用休閒app】Pick Apples AE PP|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Pick Apples AE PP|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Pick Apples AE PP-APP點子

A simple Android 2D game.

The aim is to collect as many apples as possible in the given time limit. An apple is collected by tapping it.

This game is a variant of "Pick Apples AE". In this game, the screen is pre-populated with many apples (depending on the difficulty level). The aim is to collect as many apples as possible in the given time limit.

Three difficulty levels, namely "Easy", "Medium" and "Hard" are available, which can be played independent of each other.

【免費休閒App】Pick Apples AE PP-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Pick Apples AE PP-APP點子

免費玩Pick Apples AE PP APP玩免費

免費玩Pick Apples AE PP App

Pick Apples AE PP APP LOGO

Pick Apples AE PP LOGO-APP點子

Pick Apples AE PP APP QRCode

Pick Apples AE PP QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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