



Pictolang(c) is the application side of the award winning CAPL project by Dr. Michael Shaughnessy at Washington & Jefferson College. This app features language and cultural learning content through authentic photographic imagery. Pictolang(c) trains and tests users to recognize culturally authentic images as well as learn a new language. The program works well with beginning learners and children who want to learn basic vocabulary. Pictolang(c) also works well for tourist who want to "see the culture" in advance of their travels or those who wish to become visual analysts of a given culture.Featured content: Arabic, Arabic (Oman), Chinese (Mandarin), ESL (Great Britain), ESL (North America), French (Canada), French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish (Central America & Caribbean), Spanish (Mexico), Spanish (Peninsular), Spanish (Southern Cone), & UkrainianPictolang(c) offers you 4 different language learning games to play.Analyst Game:The most challenging game at Pictolang(c) Can you identify the culture from which an image comes? This takes a broad knowledge base of multiple cultures and is particularly difficult with languages featuring subsets like Spanish.Picture Match Game:Picture Match allows you to train your ability to match a word with its appropriate visual counterpart.Visual Word Trainer:The Pictolang(c) flash cards use split-brain research to train you passively in word–image recognition. The authentic images teach you to recognize visually as well as textually and train words in the appropriate context.Word Match Game:Word Match allows you to train your ability to match an image to a variety of linguistic content.










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아이들은 본 대로 배우고, 배운대로 행동합니다.바르게 생각할 줄 아는 아이, 좋은 버릇을 가진 아이로 키우고 싶다면바른생각 키워 주는 생각동화 를 읽어 주세요.남과 더불어 사는 방법은 물론,스스로 절제하고 책임질 줄 아는 사람으로 자라게 될 것입니다.바른 생각을 통해 …
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이솝이야기 3 할인 동화

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이솝이야기 2 할인 동화

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