【實用教育app】Picturing Fractions|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Picturing Fractions|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Picturing Fractions-APP點子

Picturing Fractions is a fun new way for your children to study their fractions. Developed and tested with our own children, this flash card app features a beautiful, high resolution picture to uncover behind every screen of cards. The numbers that make up the fractions on the cards are randomly generated, so the screens are different every time your child plays. Audio and visual feedback let your child know if they've answered the problem correctly. After a correct answer, the card disappears to reveal part of the picture hidden behind the cards. Twenty five different kid friendly pictures are included with the app. Multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction cards are available with a simple tap of the switch in the settings menu. The app is smart enough to know if your child has more work left to do with reducing the fraction, or if it's already been reduced to its lowest state. If they've entered a correct answer but not one that's been fully reduced, they will be told just that and given a chance to finish reducing the fraction. It also allows them to find a common denominator when adding or subtracting fractions. Another innovative feature included with this app is the rewards system. Turn on the rewards in the settings menu and your child will earn one credit for every screen of math cards cleared. Use the credits as an incentive to promote longer studying. For example, every credit earned might be worth a small amount of money or used to accumulate time for some governed activity like video games or TV. After the credits are “redeemed” by your child, you can reset them back to zero to start over. If your child doesn't need the incentive to study simply turn the rewards off in the settings menu. Give Picturing Fractions a try and watch your child uncover their way to newfound fractional math knowledge.

【免費教育App】Picturing Fractions-APP點子

【免費教育App】Picturing Fractions-APP點子

【免費教育App】Picturing Fractions-APP點子

【免費教育App】Picturing Fractions-APP點子

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