【實用醫療app】Pill Reminder|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】Pill Reminder|最夯免費app


【免費醫療App】Pill Reminder-APP點子

The application that helps you take your meds on time.

You don't need to concern if you will forget to take the medicine anymore. The Pill Reminder is here to make your life much easier! Control all your meds with this amazing app. it is the best Pill Tracker in the Google Play.

It is very easy to use, just enter the name of the medicine, the interval between doses and time of the first dose. Super Simple! You can even customize your medications with beautiful colors, photo or sounds. After the initial setup, you will receive a notification at your medicine time. It works like a alarm clock for all your meds.

If you have problems to take you pill or take too much medicines, this app was made for you. This app is also great for girls who take contraceptive, now you will always take your pill at the right moment.

- Schedule all your meds in one beautiful app;

【免費醫療App】Pill Reminder-APP點子

- Customize your pills with colors, photo and notifications sounds;

【免費醫療App】Pill Reminder-APP點子

- See what is the time of your next dose;

【免費醫療App】Pill Reminder-APP點子

- Receive notifications to remember you to take your contraceptive;

Definitely the best way to manage all your meds, medicines, pills and contraceptive.

Download now this great medicine reminder and start take your meds on time!

Upgrade to full version to remove ads and add as much remedies as you want.

【免費醫療App】Pill Reminder-APP點子

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Pill Reminder APP LOGO

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Pill Reminder APP QRCode

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