



For only $59 per visit our Stanford and UCSF trained doctors and pediatricians will diagnose treat and prescribe medication for you or your child’s health care issues same-day via phone or video. With PlushCare you consult with doctors trained in pediatrics and internal medicine at the top health care institutions in the world and skip the long wait at the urgent care or doctor’s office. Call or log on to get your prescription today!Appointments are available 7 days per week in California, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington.How It Works1. Download the app or visit our website www.plushcare.com.2. Choose a time for your appointment.3. Create a profile.4. Enter the address and phone number of the pharmacy where you want to pick up your prescription.5. Talk to a doctor.What we Treat-Urinary Tract Infections-Strep Throat-Pink Eye-Sinus Infections-Cold-Flu-Allergies-Ear Infections-Fevers-Stomach Aches-Rashes-Travel Medicine-STD Testing and Treatment-Don’t see your condition on this list? Call our customer service line and ask what PlushCare can do for you.Frequently Asked Questions1. Is it secure?Yes, our video visits, phone calls and emailing system all meet the highest security standards in the industry so you can have a safe, secure and confidential consult. PlushCare is HIPAA compliant.2. How much does it cost?The cost for a PlushCare visit is a $59 flat fee. When you book your appointment the fee will be charged to the credit or debit card you entered in your profile.3. Do I need to have health insurance to use PlushCare?No, PlushCare does not require health insurance and the price is the same whether you have insurance or not. The only requirement is that the patient is in a state where we operate.4. How long do the consultations typically last?The typical consultation lasts 10 -15 minutes.5. What is PlushCare’s prescription policy?Doctors providing consults for PlushCare members offer prescriptions for a wide range of conditions that deliver direct medicinal value. These include, but are not limited to, drug classes such as antibiotics and antihistamines. Short-term prescriptions for maintenance medicines may also be obtained in cases where a member is in transition to a new doctor or traveling. It is important to note that PlushCare is not a drug fulfillment warehouse. In the event a doctor does prescribe medication, he/she will limit the supply based on state regulations. Patients with chronic illnesses should visit their primary care physicians or other specialists for extended care. PlushCare doctors do not issue prescriptions for substances controlled by the DEA, non-therapeutic, and/or certain other drugs which may be harmful because of their potential for abuse. These include, but are not limited to, antidepressant drugs such as Cymbalta, Prozac and Zoloft which are drugs that are harmful due to their potential for abuse. Also, non-therapeutic drugs such as Viagra and Cialis are not prescribed by PlushCare doctors. Prescriptions are not available for international consults.



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Cette application est exclusivement destinée aux docteurs en médecine, infirmiers et ambulanciers diplômés d’état exerçant dans la zone sanitaire couv …
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