【實用社交app】Pocket Doorbell|最夯免費app

【實用社交app】Pocket Doorbell|最夯免費app


【免費社交App】Pocket Doorbell-APP點子

An incredible, magical, portable doorbell that knows where you are and who to ring. When you arrive at your friends house, just press the doorbell and it will text or call your friend. No need look them up and tap out ‘hey, i’m here, can you let me in?’


Recent reviews:

"Pocket Doorbell is yet another case where a smart, mobile appliance can do a simple job better than the old-fashioned mechanical device it replaces." - CNET.com

"Pocket Doorbell saves you a step by determining your location and calling your nearest friend with the tap of a button... all you need to do is tap the doorbell to let your friend know you've arrived!" -Lifehacker

"Software, like poetry, 'searches the possible for its possibleness.' Check out this location app: Pocket doorbell" -Tim O'Reilly, CEO, O'Reilly Media


Let’s face it-- we are living in a post-doorbell world. Doorbells are broken, ignored, left to rot, or just too annoying. Some say it’s a tragedy of modernity. Others say that’s a completely ridiculous thing to say. But we can all agree that more people are using their cell phones instead of doorbells.

Anyone whose address is already in your iPhone will automatically appear on the doorbell nameplate when you get near their house. You can add new houses in a snap.

Here’s the bottom line: Pocket Doorbell is a faster and approximately 1,000 times more elegant way to ping your friend when you get to their door. You simply muuuuust try it.


1. Anyone in your iPhone contacts who has an address listed will be automatically geocoded. They will appear on the doorbell nameplate when you are at their location.

2. When you visit a location for the first time, ring the doorbell to choose who you’d like to associate with that location. The person will be immediately called or texted.

3. From now on, any time you are at this person's location, their name will appear in the nameplate and ringing the doorbell will call or text them.

You can also open the list to remove any people-location associations.

For support and more info: info@spaceinch.com

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Pocket Doorbell APP LOGO

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Pocket Doorbell APP QRCode

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NT$ 30
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