【實用遊戲app】Poker Revolution Lite|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】Poker Revolution Lite|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】Poker Revolution Lite-APP點子

The LITE version of Poker Revolution.Poker Revolution:Featured in 80+ stores in the world!Top10 card games in Italy!Top20 card games in USA!In the Top Charts in most places!Poker Revolution is a classic puzzle game that you will have to play with quick fingers, quick thinking and of course with Poker rules. Cards will drop down from the top of the screen at increasing speed, you will have to use your fingers to move them around and stack them on the bottom of the table in order to score poker hands both vertically and horizontally. When you achieve one or more poker hands, the cards will be highlighted and you'll be able to score the points by tapping on the GET button or shaking your phone, also clearing the table. The more poker hands you score at a time, the more points you get! You get more points if the same card is shared among different poker hands! You can get even more points chaining more hands in a row! Complete tasks, like scoring 4 flushes at the same time, and achieve Poker Revolution Rewards! You will unlock new game tables and card decks! In Poker Revolution Lite you can only play for a limited time and you don't get the unlockable content.Get the Full version!Poker Revolution, full version, features SIX tables and card decks, each with its own theme, graphics and music: * Classic Poker Night: the regular green poker table * Egypt of the Pharaons: may Amon-Ra deal you 4 aces * Ancient Rome: gladiators used to play this game too! * Arabian Nights: no three wishes will help you here * Under The Sea: heads up with the mermaids * Inferno: your soul is the ante! And BONUS TABLE: Japan!!!

【免費遊戲App】Poker Revolution Lite-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Poker Revolution Lite-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Poker Revolution Lite-APP點子

免費玩Poker Revolution Lite APP玩免費

免費玩Poker Revolution Lite App

Poker Revolution Lite APP LOGO

Poker Revolution Lite LOGO-APP點子

Poker Revolution Lite APP QRCode

Poker Revolution Lite QRCode-APP點子
App Store



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一款可以修改游戏的工具,需要root权限。 软件特点: 1.搜索精确数值 2.模糊搜索,如增大,减少 3.自动锁定数值 4.保存读取地址列表 5.点击悬浮图标在游戏中激活game guardian 6.改变游戏速度免費玩GameGuardian游戏修改器 APP玩免費免費玩GameGuardian游 …

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