



Polary is an app to easily share, organize and sell physical media such as books, movies or video games among your friends and neighbors. Simply scan the barcodes of your media to add them to your collection so that other users can see it. Others can write you about your media assets and arrange a meeting with you to lend, swap or buy them from you. Any kind of physical media with a barcode can be added to and found on our platform such as paperback novel or hardcover books, dvds, blu-rays, games for ps3, ps4, ps vita, xbox 360, xbox one, wii, wii u, 3ds or pc.

With polary you can:

Find nearby media items

- discover nearby books, movies and games and contact their owners

Inventorize your own media

- create your own collection to inventarize and share your media with others

Discuss media with other users

- connect to friends and neighbors who are also using Polary by sending chat messages

Meet other users

- arrange a meeting to share your stuff with nearby users

Borrow media

- easily borrow books, movies and games from others around you

Get in touch with other users

- find and meet fascinating people sharing the same interests

Free usage

- use the app for free to get in touch with interesting people in your vicinity

Buy online

- buy books, movies or games directly using your amazon.de account

Polary is free to use and currently in a testing phase, so any feedback is highly appreciated. For feature requests, bug reports, comments or suggestions please send an email to support@polary.de

If you like our app, you are of course also invited to rate us in the Google Play Store or recommend us to your friends.

At the moment the app is only available for Android smartphones and tablets.

To find out more about Polary feel free to visit our webpage at http://polary.de and of course you can subscribe for our newsletter if you want to keep posted on new updates and features of the app, current competitions or meetings, presentations and events regarding Polary.

You may also send Feedback through our Google+ Community at



or on the Google Group at


or follow us on Twitter


or join our Facebook Community


What does our app need the permissions for?

- Identity: Used for push messages in chat and notifications

- Location: Show collections and items nearby your position

- Photos/Media/Files: Access to storage for caching of downloaded images

Polary makes use of state of the art encryption technologies and respects the user's privacy by only using their data for guaranteeing reliable and convenient functionality of the app.

What’s new?


- Major redesign of the user interface for a better user experience

- fixed problems with avatar image upload

- various bug fixes



- Tabs to intuitively filter different product groups

- User profiles and avatar images

- Show availability of items for lending and for sale

- Implemented borrow/sale process with buttons

- Dynamic loading of items that are further away

- Delete button in item details

- Search for items by text


- fixed network problems with older android devices


- downgrade to previous version


- allow change of collection location

- auto-login

- optimizations in maps view

- layout improvements

- added vibrate permission for chat notifications

- bugfixes

Initial Release:


- Initial prototype release with basic functionality (scan barcodes to add items, browse nearby items, view collections on a map, chat with other users to share)


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免費玩Polary App


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Google Play


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