【實用教育app】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature la|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature la|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

Discover “Polo’s world”: 4 educational games (including 1 free game) for young children set in an imaginary world full of surprises! - A game of skill to help Polo jump from cloud to cloud, - An underwater treasure hunt in an ocean full of hungry fish, - A labyrinth where Polo must choose the right path as he climbs up a magic plant, - A music workshop that introduces children to the sounds and rhythms of a variety of instruments. Polo’s World, Learning and educational games For children ages 3 to 8This application was created by the Bayard Group, a leading French publisher known for its children’s applications under Bayam label: My first travel games with Little Brown Bear, SamSam's games, J’aime Lire Store, Learn English with Little Brown Bear.Configuration: Optimized for iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPadAir, iPhone 3GS, 4 and 5, iPod Touch 4 and 5 and iOS4 to 7

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

【免費教育App】Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game.-APP點子

免費玩Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game. APP玩免費

免費玩Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game. App

Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game. APP LOGO

Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game. LOGO-APP點子

Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game. APP QRCode

Polo’s World: skill games for preschool and kindergarten kids with an ocean treasure hunt, nature labyrinth, music workshop and focus game. QRCode-APP點子
App Store
