【實用教育app】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

Pop ABCs: Fun Alphabet Puzzle Game for kids and family ★★★★★ Perfect for 4-10 years old ★★★★★ In Pop ABCs, your child will learn the alphabetic principle: to recognize letters and learn how letters are pronounced and sound. Once children are able to hear and discern sounds (phonemes), they are ready to associate those sounds with letters. With timeless 8-bit gameplay, wacky sound FX, points bonuses, colorful graphics and a clear learning objective, Pop ABCs is that rare thing: a game for all the family.★ Identify and master your ABCs ★★ Play in the style of a classic puzzle game. ★App Features:- Classic puzzle game play- Full color graphics- Alphabet in your language choice- Phonic repetition of letters- Easy to use tutorials- Tested by kids- Reviewed by preschool education experts- No in app purchasingThe ability to hear and discriminate phonemes is highly associated with reading readiness in early childhood and considered a critical skill for the development of reading skills.This means kids learn to Identify and master their alphabet while having great fun!★ Pop ABCs is JAJDO’s fourth iOS app and follows top selling spots in App Stores all over Europe for Buildo Rescue, Buildo History and Buildo Museum. ★

【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

【免費教育App】Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds-APP點子

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免費玩Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds App

Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds APP LOGO

Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds LOGO-APP點子

Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds APP QRCode

Pop ABCs - Letters & Letter Sounds QRCode-APP點子
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