



WHAT IS IT? (the short answer) - PortfolioUP is an image uploader for Mahara (mahara.org) users created by Brightcookie.com Educational Technologies. - Images are loaded directly from your iPhone into your 'My Portfolio > My Files' directory. WHAT USE IS IT TO ME? (the long answer) - If you are a student with access to Mahara, PortfolioUP will be immediately useful for you. - Let's pretend you are studying horticulture or … something with trees. - Imagine you are walking around the park and find a particularly beautiful tree. What a great example! Just what you needed for your latest portfolio. Take a quick snap with your iPhone, upload the image direct to Mahara's 'My Portfolio' and you're done. - Whatever you like the look of, wherever you are – so long as you have your iPhone to hand – one quick snap, and you're away. - Of course, the first time, you'll need to provide the server URL and your username and password, but you can save that information and future uploads will be faster than you can blink. WHAT ABOUT MAHARA? Does it need anything extra? - No, PortfolioUp is now using built-in functionality of Mahara for mobile. Contact Brightcookie.com Support if you are a Mahara System Administrator.



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Tap Pro

A simple tally app for kids. Keep score, track progress, learn to count to 100.. or 1000!免費玩Tap Pro APP玩免費免費玩Tap Pro AppTap Pro APP LOGOTap Pro APP QR …