【實用工具app】Power Schedule|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Power Schedule|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Power Schedule-APP點子

New update, as requested by users: improved User Interface and usability, added new event types (more to come!)

【免費工具App】Power Schedule-APP點子

Please update your rating on Google Play!

The new version was completely rewritten and allows you to set individual control over Wifi, Bluetooth, Phone, Data Connection, Ring Profile. You can have as many events as you like - and they can repeat on each day you want.

If the application is not working for you or you have some improvement ideas, please write me an e-mail at mircea@monocube.com.

Power Schedule is a lightweight app, designed for Android. It allows you to set an On/Off schedule for Airplane Mode (Telephony), WiFi, Bluetooth and Data connection. Ring Profile can be automatically switched between Silent and Normal

For example, you may want to set WiFi to off when you leave for work in the morning. Then back to on when you're home again and in range of your personal wireless network.

You can set a different schedule for the Phone or Bluetooth. For example, set your phone to off while you sleep at night, so you're not bothered by any unwanted calls.

Setting the phone to off will not completely power off your Android device, so you'll still have your alarms active.

【免費工具App】Power Schedule-APP點子

Please don't leave a negative comment if it's not working for you - let me know what I can do to improve it first.

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Thank you.

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