【實用書籍app】PowerBall House|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】PowerBall House|最夯免費app


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This app is an intelligent lottery statistics and analysis software. It has several useful functions like querying historical results, updating latest winning results, calculating by Rotation Matrix, analyzing results data, and etc.●In general version have the ads!●●●Features●●● ● Calculate the next winning numbers by historical results; ● Reduce the purchase of Notes by methods of Rotation Matrix; ● Purchase records management, automatically calculate bonus amount; ● Update the latest winning results and the bonus amount (data can update at about 23:00). ● All statistics data can be sent by e-mail. Users can copy them to Excel for further analysis. ● shake your iPhone for auto selecting balls.(New)※In our app, seven colors are used for different balls to indacte the difference!●Before using recommend function,please update the latest winning results by press 3th table's [Get New] botton●●Our series of apps:「ロト6プロ屋」 JP Paid Utilities TOP-2「ロト6プロ屋 Lite」 JP Paid Finance TOP-4Functions1. selection of lottery numbers and generation of purchase list 1) click and select the numbers manually by tapping. 2) select the numbers automatically by the app. ◉ Recommend: analyze and verify the historical powerball results, use special calculation method to sort and choose(eg. Select 11 numbers, for nearly 100 issue of powerball results were verified, 3 numbers above hit more than 12% chance to.) ◉ Frequency: select the predicted numbers according to the frequency of the numbers in 10,20,50...200 draws, four options are provided: High→Low, Low→High, High→Low + Low→High, Median→Low + Median→Low ◉ Random numbers: select the random numbers according to the selected numbers range and the segmentation 3) select the numbers according to the purchase records 4) according to statistics information sheet, select the numbers by your own judgment 5) reduce the purchase of Notes by means of Rotation Matrix eg. When selecting 11 numbers, 5/5:462 Notes,4/5:22 Notes 3/5:5 Notes 6) save the result list and send e-mail.2. management of purchase records automatically calculation of winning bonus amount. total records of purchase times, purchase amount and winning bonus amount.3. query of powerball historical winning results4. data stats. ◉ Ranking For Frequency By Draws ◉ Hit Frequency By Draws ◉ Ranking & Frequency By Numbers ◉ Ranking & Frequency By Numbers(PB) ◉ Low & High & Span & Sum Table ◉ Odd & Even Trend Table ◉ Partition Trend Table By 3,5,7,10,11,13 ◉ Partition Trend Table By 3,5,7,10,11,13(PB)Note:1) Remove and re-update when the update of historical results fail or error occurs.2) Valuable advices or suggestions as to this software are welcomed, if necessary, please contact us: lotto6win@yahoo.co.jp.3) This software is for reference only, users should afford themselves any loss and other consequences caused by using this software to purchase lottery.

【免費書籍App】PowerBall House-APP點子

【免費書籍App】PowerBall House-APP點子

【免費書籍App】PowerBall House-APP點子

【免費書籍App】PowerBall House-APP點子

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