【實用策略app】Pre-Civilization Marble Age|最夯免費app

【實用策略app】Pre-Civilization Marble Age|最夯免費app


【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

**Sparta campaign is now available!**

**Pocket Gamer - Bronze Award **

【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

“… Challenging and addictive resource management game”.

【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

**“… fills its chosen space with considerable panache, and is capable of eating your spare time with considerable gusto.” - PocketGamer.co.uk**

*«Playing this game, you need to think, think and think. Rushing forward relying on luck is a way to fail. You need to count all bonuses, carefully manage population etc. This is especially important because there is NO “EASY” mode, so do not be surprised that at first you will not succeed. The understanding will come with experience». - Wise advice from one of the reviewers (agams92). *

Turn-based historical simulation strategy. Develop the Greek civilization from the small village to the great city-state when it will dominate the world!


【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

During the 4000 years (from 3000 BC to 1000 AD), you will have to:

【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

• Raise the population

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• Invent technologies

【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

• Construct buildings

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• Trade goods

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• Explore world

【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

• Found new cities

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• Start and end wars with neighbors

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• Survive through the hundred real historical events.

The key to victory is choosing the right development priorities, allocating resources and managing the foreign policy. Mechanics of the game is a mix of old-school game designs.

【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

【免費策略App】Pre-Civilization Marble Age-APP點子

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我就是我!一个王者!帝国的疆域由我开拓,蛮荒的民族被我征服;剽悍骁勇的战士是我的剑,战斗队列是我钢铁的意志;排兵布阵是我智慧的体现,兵种组合是我胜利的保证;罗马的帝国,王,只有一个!英雄的你拥有帝国千锤百炼的战士,每一场胜利将是你通往王权路上的基石;从高山到大海,从沙漠到丛林,从平原到谷地,成就虎狼 …