



Prefies is all about the products you use.Prefies lets you and your followers share your everyday experiences about the products you use. Does this mascara feel too heavy? Are the new shoes comfortable? Does the shower gel leave your skin dry? Was that carrot juice delicious? how about these new headphones?We make millions of buying decisions everyday. And in the process we lose a lot of money and time because too often we buy the wrong product. The airwaves are filled with false advertisement because advertisers consistently oversell the quality of their products. And so the expensive lipstick you saw on TV has to be re-applied every half hour and tastes like medicine. The stereo system they were showing during the Super Bowl commercial has crappy bass when you play it. So how do you avoid all these stress and waste of time and money?By sharing these tiny experiences with your followers, you help each other make quality decisions; while at the same time showcasing your taste and your style to your followers and the world.Your taste. Your style. Your prefies!



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Send 1 Line (70 Characters) Messages As Push Notifications.Tips & Tricks:* Tap on any contact to send message.* Swipe right to block.* Swipe left to u …
Hi There

톡, 위치, 블로그를 기반으로 다양한 친구를 사귈수 있는 SNS 어플 하이데어Hi There 는 350만명 이상의 회원들이 다양한 이야기와 이슈를 공유하는 SNS 나만의 공간 과 일상 공유 & 팸 ( 동아리 )를 만들어 다양한 오프라인 모임좋은 글과 톡톡튀는 매력을 가 …

十秒视频,可以是最好朋友间的诉说;十秒视频,也可以成为两个陌生人之间的桥梁。Hi,一切从这里开始!-与密友随时沟通-摇一摇找到陌生朋友,猎奇无限-美白、搞笑、面具给你美丽、有趣、神秘-即阅即焚,即时分享心情感受-定位传情,天涯若比邻-领先的视频压缩技术,10秒视频等于一张图片大小,非wifi环境下也 …

云友是一款集成了语音通信,即时通信,游戏,等多种功能为一体的创新APP,通过它您能够方便的与您在世界各地的朋友联系,并且能够玩轻松的游戏和购物。免費玩HI-云友-免费神器,交友购物游戏电话一站通! APP玩免費免費玩HI-云友-免费神器,交友购物游戏电话一站通! AppHI-云友-免费神器,交友购物 …

HI-夜店是一款基于国内夜店的移动社交应用,用户可以通过此款软件快捷寻找指定区域的夜店,相邀好友去夜店。并能通过个人展示、发布留言、添加聊友等方式与广大夜店好友进行互动交流。主要功能:1.完善的个人资料填写,让更多夜店好友能够搜索到您。2.设置个性化形象、兴趣爱好与个性签名等,全方位展示您自己。3. …