【實用休閒app】Preppy Girl|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Preppy Girl|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

Preppy girl is a new dress up and make-up game for fashion concious girls. Select one top among blouse, jumpers, t shirts and then, dress up your model with one of the shorts, skirts, and pants. Or you can choose one of the dresses. There are hairstyles to make your model blonde, brown-haired, or black-haired. Complete your dress-up with the stylish accessories and shoes.

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

Change background according to your clothes. You can prepare your model girl lots of different combinations in casual, safari, tribal, traditional, evening, haute couture, avant garde, fantasy, royal, bridal, masculine, boho, sporty, preppy styles. Backgrounds help you create new glamorous looks. After imaging and creating your design look, you can take photo of your star.

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

Show your star model with your friends by sharing her photo on social media. Become the best fashion designer by dressing your star in fashion. Try different combinations by clicking on the clothes icons, imagine which one would be the most beautiful.

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子


【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

- Huge variety of fashion items, including dresses, shoes, and other kinds of accessories

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

- Different heights, colors and styles

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

- Casual t shirts, safari style shorts, tribal skirts, traditional dresses, evening style blouse, haute couture skirts, avant garde pants, fantasy tops, royal skirts, bridal dresses, masculine pants, boho shorts, sporty shorts, preppy skirts

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

- Trendy designer clothes lines and innovative stylish accessories

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

- Black, red, blonde and brown hairs

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

- Hairstyles like topknot, messy bun, french pleat, bob, curly

【免費休閒App】Preppy Girl-APP點子

- Red carpet, paparazzi, bed chamber, offstage backgrounds

免費玩Preppy Girl APP玩免費

免費玩Preppy Girl App

Preppy Girl APP LOGO

Preppy Girl LOGO-APP點子

Preppy Girl APP QRCode

Preppy Girl QRCode-APP點子
台灣 TaiwanAndroid
Google Play



1、游戏玩法,点击两个以上形状相同图片进行消除 2、你同时消去的图片越多,就能得到越高分; 3、最后剩下的图片越少,得到的奖励越多; 4、你需要经过仔细思考,才能得到更高的分数; 5、关闭声音游戏更流畅免費玩消灭星表情 APP玩免費免費玩消灭星表情 App消灭星表情 APP LOGO消灭星表情 AP …
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