【實用工具app】Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder-APP點子

An iPhone calculator that works – and looks! – exactly like any other calculator until you type in your secret passcode. The calculator then turns into a private storage app in which you can hide your most secret photos, videos, notes, and more. There is also a private web browser included that does not save any history on your phone and allows you to save secret bookmarks within the app.

Some of the features:

- Save your secret photos and videos

【免費工具App】Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder-APP點子

- Write and store private notes

- Import and view top-secret files (.doc,.ptp,.xls,etc.) from your computer

- Store contacts you don't want in your regular address book

【免費工具App】Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder-APP點子

- Save all your passwords in one place

- Browse the internet without leaving any traces

- Make secret website bookmarks

【免費工具App】Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder-APP點子

- And, of course, a great calculator app! :-)

【免費工具App】Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder-APP點子

免費玩Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder APP玩免費

免費玩Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder App

Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder APP LOGO

Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder LOGO-APP點子

Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder APP QRCode

Private Photo+Video+Note Vault - Protect secret photos, videos, notes, documents, and passwords in a secure fake calculator folder QRCode-APP點子
美國 (U.S.A)iOS
App Store



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