



Protest4 is an application that helps you connect with other protesters around the world and in the next street. It empowers anyone to create a protest and then invite others to join using social media.

After joining you can communicate exclusively with other people who are following that protest, sharing text and publishing images on the same protest wall in real time.

Keep in touch with frontline action from around the globe read actual posts from protestors in the frontline as they happen. Protestors have already been telling us how it has enabled them to keep safe! It’s time to Protest4!

The “4” Key Features

- Find developing protests near you


- Recruit new people to join your protest

- Amazing on-the-day crowd management tool with all protestors publishing


comments and images on the same wall in real-time

- Connect one-to-one with anybody in your protest before, during and after a protest

Protest4 is Multi Platform available on the web at www.protest4.org and as a Facebook app.

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Protest4 APP LOGO

Protest4 LOGO-APP點子

Protest4 APP QRCode

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Google Play


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