【實用工具app】Psychic Sid|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Psychic Sid|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Psychic Sid-APP點子

Unique application! Will explore and determine your level of anticipation.With "Psychic Sid" exploring your sense of prediction can become attractive fun.To fully exploit the possibilities of this application, each user is assigned an account on halfandhalf.eu, where they can monitor their own results and compare them with those selected at random.Application features:- The application has three modes: Subtractive, Binary and Precise- Each mode can be set according to user's requirements- The result of each sequence is saved to perform accurate calculations- Full sequence (one that all fields are predicted) is displayed in the results table.- The user has the ability to track their performance on the device and on the website.- Easy synchronization of the device results with user's web account.How it works:The user's task is to predict which symbol or number, the device will choose. The device randomly chooses a symbol, or number after a symbol or number has been entered by the user. If a symbol or number selected by the device is the same as the one entered by the user, then the field is considered “predicted”. All results are stored in the device as well as the configuration of the sequence (amount of fields for sequence). After synchronization of the results from the device with the user's online account, the user can track the level of their own ability.In web account, the user can check what the results are compared with those selected at random. In this case, the data from the device is accurately reproduced and where the user had to enter in each field a symbol or number in the device, the symbol or number is selected by random generator on our server. Random results are saved, calculated and compared with the user's results. The user finds out how their own results look in relation to randomness.For more information visit our website:http:www.halfandhalf.eu

【免費工具App】Psychic Sid-APP點子

【免費工具App】Psychic Sid-APP點子

【免費工具App】Psychic Sid-APP點子

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Psychic Sid APP LOGO

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Psychic Sid APP QRCode

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