



Qible is a captivating Bible quiz game for all levels of Bible knowledge. Have endless hours of fun as you challenge your friends or play for charities.- Nearly seven thousand questions based on specific Bible verses- Additional questions are added on a frequent basis- Challenge up to three friends or random players- Help well-known figures raise money as they play on behalf of their favorite charities- Review questions and answers by comparing to the relevant Bible verse in five different versions- Study questions on a book by book basis- Improve your status by increasing your points as you play more games, win more challenges, and improve your Bible knowledgeChallenge your Friends!The main way to play Qible is to challenge your friends to a quiz! Compete to see who know more bible trivia. You can earn extra points and add pressure to the competition by playing a timed match where you race to answer more quickly than your friend. You can also keep it calm by playing untimed and focus on your true knowledge. The choice is yours! Level up for Rewards!Every time you finish a quiz in Qible, you earn XP to work your way up to the highest tiers of bible knowledge! When you reach new tiers you get great rewards such as: - Free Avatar Icons: Look different from your friends by having a custom icon - XP Boosters: Use these to reach higher levels much faster earning better rewards!- Cheaper Charity Plays: Your favorite champions now cost less to play and makes it even easier to support your favorite charities! Play On your Difficulty Level!Qible gives you the opportunity to play at the difficulty of your choice. New to the Bible or unsure of your skill level? Start with the Novice questions to get a feel for the game. Feeling confident and ready to put all of your knowledge to the test? Try the Expert level for an exciting challenge! With 4 different levels, you can play bible trivia your way!Support Charities by playing Qible!Qible has a Charity quiz mode where you play against a Champion who is supporting a charity of their choice. These Champions could be highly known religious figures, celebrities, or even someone in your local community! Help them raise money for charity by playing against them. Every time you play, a portion of the proceeds goes to their charity. Have fun while being a philanthropist at the same time. Practice by Studying Specific Books!Do you feel like studying a specific book of the bible? Or do you want a more zen experience? Or possibly want to get better at the questions for challenging your friends? Then Study mode is perfect for you. Study mode uses all the same questions you would see in a challenge, but allows you to study specific books of the bible. The questions are in order by chapter and verse so you can easily follow along. View Scripture inside Qible!If you are curious which scripture a question is referencing – just click the scripture button to see the chapter version in question. This is only available when studying and when reviewing past games. This keeps challenges competitive! Have more questions about the game or want to learn more about Kingdom Games? Please visit our website: http://www.kingdomgames.com/Or Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Qible/1553448588204288










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