【實用交通運輸app】QuikKabs taxi share|最夯免費app

【實用交通運輸app】QuikKabs taxi share|最夯免費app


【免費交通運輸App】QuikKabs taxi share-APP點子

Redefining taxi sharing in a marketplace crowded with profit-driven applications, QuikKabs helps people share a cab while being a good friend to the environment. The app is:

· Free to use for riders and taxi drivers. No charges. No ads.

· Safe to use for riders who want to share a cab.

· Friendly to the environment cutting CO2 emissions.

QuikKabs is not affiliated with any taxi service to maintain its integrity. Riders are free to choose the cab company they prefer without restrictions. Moreover, with a friendly design, QuikKabs can be used in conjunction with Uber, Lyft, Gett, or Hailo for anyone preferring any one of those services. All additional savings are passed on with more of life’s comforts.


· Flexibility: Select if you have a ride or need a ride.

· Comfort: Choose to only share rides with your gender.

· Speed: TomTom GPS instantly locates a nearby rider going your destination.

【免費交通運輸App】QuikKabs taxi share-APP點子

· Safety: Choose to share rides with highly rated people.

· Accuracy: Estimated time of arrival calculated with real time traffic data.

· Convenience: Get a notification when the taxi arrives to pick you up.

· Easy: Calculates the split fare including the tip at any point of the trip.

The application is very simple and intuitive to use. We don't ask for your personal information. Only a verified phone number that you will be using.

How to use:

【免費交通運輸App】QuikKabs taxi share-APP點子

· Type where you are.

· Select if you have a ride or need one.

· Type where you want to go.

· QuikKabs finds a person near you going towards your destination.

QuikKabs is an app which promotes cleaner air, less congested roads, and economic benefits for the community. Easily finding people who are close by to share a taxi ride, QuikKabs saves money, time, and the environment.

Need help or want to get the latest updates and free offers?

Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quikkabs

Join us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/quikkabs

Visit us at: http://quikkabs.com/

【免費交通運輸App】QuikKabs taxi share-APP點子

Drop us an email at: info@quikkabs.com

【免費交通運輸App】QuikKabs taxi share-APP點子

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