【實用生產應用app】RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mac and Windows|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mac and Windows|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mac and Windows-APP點子

Important notice: this app is not compatible with iOS 8.Easy-to-setup and reliable application providing fast and secure remote access to your Mac or Windows computers. Connect to as many remote computers as you want at no additional cost!-----------------Free RDM+ Desktop application should be installed on each computer you want to have access to. RDM+ Desktop is available as free download at www.rdmplus.com----------------- Features include:- Internet connection is not necessary when connecting within local network- Automatic computer discovery within local network- Direct mouse control: left click, right click, double click, drag and drop, scrolling. Tap and double tap work as click and double click. Pinch to zoom in/zoom out.- Support of standard Windows and Mac hotkeys and ability to create custom hotkeys combinations for various operations with your computer- Unique data compression algorithms decreasing data traffic while keeping fast application performance on 3G / Edge / GPRS connection - Control panel for multimedia features- Direct text input and easy text editing- Shutdown, Log off, Restart commands- Multiple displays support- Landscape/Portrait mode- Free technical support by SHAPE Services team- Free updates Supports Intel-based Macs running on Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, 10.5 Leopard, 10.6 Snow Leopard, 10.7 Lion, Microsoft Windows 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / 2008 / 7Retina display (HiDPI mode) is not yet supported.Ultimate security level with 3DES (Triple DES, CBC mode) encryption algorithm with 128-bits key randomly generated with the start of each connection session Easy access for enterprise users through NAT and Firewall as well as for individual users with dynamic IPs Works via WiFi and carrier data network and supports automatic adjustment for different connection speeds Accessing your desktop remotely has never been easier!If you are experiencing issues with RDM+ after recovering from sleep mode in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, please update RDM+ Desktop application to the version 3.5:http://www.rdmplus.com/rdm/iphone/download.htmlFollow @rdmplus on Twitter for the latest updates from RDM+ team!About SHAPE ServicesSHAPE Services is a leading mobile apps development company. Since 2002, IM+ and other SHAPE's apps are recognized bestsellers on all mobile platforms. For more information please visit www.shapeservices.comVisit www.shapeservices.com for more details.See also IM+, CheckIn+, Business Card Reader, Smart Scanner, VR+, Mobiscope, iDisplay.

【免費生產應用App】RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mac and Windows-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mac and Windows-APP點子

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RDM+ Remote Desktop for Mac and Windows APP QRCode

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NT$ 300
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