【實用商業app】RE/MAX Commercial Midwest|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】RE/MAX Commercial Midwest|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】RE/MAX Commercial Midwest-APP點子

Features: Search RE/MAX Commercial Midwest listings, Perform Calculations, Create Reports & Find agent contact information.

RE/MAX Commercial Midwest is dedicated solely to the practice of commercial and investment real estate. Our agents work exclusively on commercial and investment real estate transactions, including sales and acquisitions, as well as all aspects of leasing.

There are a number of benefits using RE/MAX Commercial Midwest agents:

1. Our primary focus is establishing long term client relationships based on product and market specialization.

2. Our track record is clear – we are all about getting the deal done.

【免費商業App】RE/MAX Commercial Midwest-APP點子

3. As a listing agent, we are sensitive to Seller’s needs for constant communication and updating about the marketing of the property and market feedback.

4. We work closely with the seller, tailoring the pricing and marketing of the property to fit the seller’s need and motivation.

5. We avoid the pitfalls and traps in transactions that can cost the seller time and money.

6. We know buyers expectations and the market and are familiar with the market in Omaha and the rest of Nebraska

【免費商業App】RE/MAX Commercial Midwest-APP點子

7. We are tenacious and work hard at all times until the job is done.

8. We have extremely high standards and we bring a high level of integrity and excellence to everything we do.

9. We have the support of a global team of agents and experts to assist in meeting the needs of our clients.

10. We are committed to achieving the client’s goals and expectations and possess the knowledge to accomplish the assignment.

【免費商業App】RE/MAX Commercial Midwest-APP點子

Broker/Owner: David Smith, CCIM, CRB, CRS, CDPE, CIAS

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