【實用醫療app】REDCap Mobile App|最夯免費app

【實用醫療app】REDCap Mobile App|最夯免費app


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Collect your REDCap data in an offline environment in the REDCap mobile app, and then sync your data back to your project on a REDCap server.REDCap is a web application, which requires the Internet to be used, but the REDCap mobile app allows for offline data collection for your REDCap projects. You can create your project in REDCap, securely download your project to the REDCap mobile app on your iPad or iPhone, collect data on the device (with or without an Internet connection), and then securely send your data back to your project on a REDCap server.Features• Multi-user interface with secure login that allows each user account to collect data for multiple REDCap projects in the app.• In addition to text and structured data, you can store and transmit photos, videos, signatures, and audio to REDCap. • When collecting data in the app from a participant, for security purposes you can easily restrict access to the rest of the app as they enter their data.• All user activity in the app is logged for audit purposes. The full logging history can be sent to your project on the REDCap server.Who is the REDCap Mobile App for? In order to use the REDCap Mobile App, REDCap must be installed on your institution’s server and must be at version 6.5.0 or higher. The REDCap Mobile App is designed to fit the following scenarios:• A REDCap project that needs data to be collected without any Internet access available.• A REDCap project that needs data to be collected with sporadic Internet access.If mobile devices are desired for use in REDCap data collection, and if WiFi or cellular Internet is amply available, then it is suggested to use the REDCap mobile web view that is available on the REDCap server, which provides real-time access to data.What is REDCap? REDCap is a mature, secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases, and it is used by hundreds of thousands of users around the world (http://projectredcap.org). Before setting up a REDCap project in the app, you must already have a user account on a REDCap server hosted by a participating REDCap partner institution. If you belong to an institution that does not have REDCap, please visit http://projectredcap.org/participate.php to learn how to get REDCap where you are.What are some limitations of this app? The REDCap mobile app runs in conjunction with the REDCap web application software. You must already have a REDCap user account and project on a REDCap server before being able to download the project to the app. The app cannot function or stand independently without a REDCap server.

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