【實用解謎app】Rails Mania|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Rails Mania|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子

Rails Mania is a simple puzzle and action game where the goal is to construct a railway from the train(s) to their destined station(s) before time runs out.

The railroad is constructed using rail pieces that are created randomly.

In the first levels you begin with one train, later more trains and destinations are added on each level.

【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子


- RailsMania is a puzzle game that can offer important benefits to all players.

【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子

- Touching quickly the right places of a screen improves hand-eye coordination.

- Trying to solve the puzzle in a limited time enhances split-second decision making and fast information processing and eventually improves fundamental abilities to reason and solve problems.

- Overcoming levels of gradual difficulty gives young players a sense of achievement and helps self – confidence, while the overall experience of RailsMania enhances the creativity of the player.

【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子

- Finally the game offers hours of fun and enjoyment, distracting you from boredom and the discomfort of routine!


【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子

- Infinite number of randomly created levels to play.

- 2 game modes: Each train must arrive to its own destination station in Easy mode, every train must go to the same station without colliding on the way in Hard mode.

【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子

Coming soon:

- 200 levels where rail pieces are already placed and have to be rotated to construct the railway correctly.

- and other surprises...

【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子

Trial version has first 6 levels.

【免費解謎App】Rails Mania-APP點子

Your reviews will keep updates coming. Please let us know how we can improve Rails Mania. For support please contact kkazazi@hotmail.com .

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Rails Mania APP LOGO

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