



Consult real-time timetables for all trains in Belgium on RailTime. Plan your current or future journey and optimise your travel with the regular updates, automatic alerts about delays and geolocation.

RailTime covers all stations and stops in Belgium, in addition to major international connections.

RailTime enables you to:

• Plan and save your journey between two stations


• Check arrival and departure times and platform numbers for your train


• Be informed automatically of any delays on your train


• Save your regular journeys in your favourites


• Find out about cancelled or additional stops


• See all the trains departing or arriving at a station


• Consult the map for your station's neighbourhood, or find the nearest station


• Follow major disruptions on the network


• Be informed about works


• For commuters: update your daily search automatically every day


• Set a wake-up alarm for when you arrive at your destination.

• Create a widget to consult your favourite stations directly without opening the application

Explanation of the various permissions:

- GPS : center the map on your actual position, retrieve the nearest station

- Phone call : only required to call one of the “in –app” useful numbers (RailTime by Phone and Securail)

- Add/Modify calendar events : save a route search in your calendar

- Send email : share information by email

Following on from the success of the website www.railtime.be, and its mobile version m.railtime.be, Infrabel, the manager of the Belgian railway infrastructure, presents the Android app.

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