【實用商業app】Remote Patrol|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】Remote Patrol|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】Remote Patrol-APP點子

----> Works great with iOS 8, looks great on iPhone 6 & 6 Plus tooRemote Patrol is a full featured professionally designed and developed camera surveillance program for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This application is built upon the latest iOS and hardware for maximum flexibility.With Remote Patrol you can monitor several locations all within the same program. You can even playback past recordings stored on the server.--------------------------------------------** IMPORTANT **--------------------------------------------SecuritySpy 3.4 or later server software must be installed and running on a Macintosh prior to using the Remote Patrol package. SecuritySpy can be downloaded at: http://www.securityspy.com/--------------------------------------------Remote Patrol features include:- Unlimited servers- Live audio- Motion detection real time notifications- Automatically detects if you are local or remote to best use bandwidth- Rearrange server into any order- Unlimited cameras per server- Rearrange cameras into any order (which will reorder the multi-view windows)- Cameras are automatically created from the server (no data entry!)- Integrated with the address book for contact information at each server site for two touch phone dialing- Integrated shapshot of live camera image to built in photo library, including a rapid fire mode- Multi-View column view (1, 2 or 3 columns)- Full device and camera rotation, Landscape support- Check on the status of cameras in real time- Swipe to move between cameras in camera view mode- Double tap to control pan/tilt and snapshot when viewing a camera (if camera is pan/tilt capable)- View captured (history) footage using the iPhone built in media player- Optimized for the latest iOS version- Pinch to zoom (digital) is now supported in camera detail view- Double tap to fill screen- 8 way pan/tilt on cameras that support pan/tilt- Optical zoom controls for cameras that support optical zoom- System Settings are now available for: • Network timeout • Disable idle timer • History type (movie or Image)- History is now available for both movies and images- History can select * All Cameras * from the camera list -Cameras can now be configured in Remote Patrol as: • Pan/Tilt capable • Optical zoom capable • Excluded from multi viewPlease send feature suggestions to:remotepatrol@completesystem.com

【免費商業App】Remote Patrol-APP點子

【免費商業App】Remote Patrol-APP點子

【免費商業App】Remote Patrol-APP點子

【免費商業App】Remote Patrol-APP點子

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Remote Patrol APP LOGO

Remote Patrol LOGO-APP點子

Remote Patrol APP QRCode

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