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【實用生活app】Rimes Online|最夯免費app


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Our application will help you with finding rhymes for your poetry. Enter the word that you need to rhyme. And our program will find all the rhymes that are available in the database. Create and amaze.ATTENTION.- Requires Internet.- As for the algorithm, it is not perfect, but we are working on improvements.- In all languages ​​(but not the Russian) is the national letters in the Latin. Our program does not understand the national letters. Therefore, for better search must type English letters (similar to your national letters).- The algorithms focus on the word with the accent on the last syllable. If your word accent on the penultimate syllable, such rhymes will be less.It can be used for translation of the poem (if you know both languages). Translation made by Google, and then select a suitable rhyme with our program. Examples: http://globalappsr.blogspot.com/2013/02/translated-through-multi-rimes-and.html There are two versions of the application.Rimes Online (English & Russian)- Find rhymes for the two languages: English and Russian.- 4 search algorithm for each language.- Voice input.- Search History for the last 200 words (for use in off-line)Rimes Multi (16 languages)- Voice input.- Find rhymes for 16 languages: English, Polish, Afrikaans, Swahili, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Croatian, Turkish, Danish, Czech, Hungarian, Norwegian, Russian.- 4 search algorithm for each language.- Search History for the last 200 words (for use in off-line)A good example for different algorithms - the English word "detective". The application provides 20 rhymes in the "best", 50 in "good", about 100 in the "middle" and 150 to "any."If the database is not found a rhyme, try this:- First, check your Internet connection.- Secondly, the server may be overloaded. Please try again in an hour.- Choose a synonym to the word that you are looking for rhyme. And to find a rhyme synonym through our application.- Change settings such words as number and case.- Change your poem words in some places so that the word to which we have no rhyme, moved to the beginning or the middle. At the end put a different word and find a rhyme to it.

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