【實用教育app】Roads of Arabia Tour|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Roads of Arabia Tour|最夯免費app


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Enjoy a multimedia tour of Roads of Arabia: Archaeology and History of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with the museum’s curators as your personal guides. Dany Chan, Assistant Curator for Exhibition Projects and Qamar Adamjee, Associate Curator of South Asian Art, will lead your exploration of the region and the people who lived, traded, traveled and worshipped in this important cultural crossroads.

Roads of Arabia (on view exclusively at the Asian Art Museum from October 24, 2014 to January 18, 2015) features artworks—most of them recently excavated—that trace historic trade routes and pilgrimage roads stretching from Yemen in the south to Iraq and Mediterranean cultures in the north. Colossal human statues, Greco-Roman bronzes, gold jewelry and pages from early Qur'ans testify to a lively mercantile and cultural exchange that occurred between Arabia and its diverse neighbors.

【免費教育App】Roads of Arabia Tour-APP點子

Use the app to unearth the secrets of the items on display and discover the complex history of the Arabian Peninsula. You’ll also learn the significance of the groundbreaking finds featured, as well as the mysteries and important questions that still surround them.

Take control of your exhibition experience by using the app to:

• Access exclusive content

【免費教育App】Roads of Arabia Tour-APP點子

• Locate an object by inputting the stop number, keyword search or browse through a listing

• Live Tweet your museum experience or share the highlights on social media

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About the Museum

The Asian Art Museum–Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture is one of San Francisco's premier arts institutions and home to a world-renowned collection of more than 18,000 Asian art treasures spanning 6,000 years of history. Through rich art experiences, centered on historic and contemporary artworks, the Asian Art Museum unlocks the past for visitors, bringing art to life and serving as a catalyst for new art, new creativity and new thinking.

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