【實用休閒app】Rock Paper Scissors|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Rock Paper Scissors|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

If you want to have fun, then why not play this simple yet fun game.

You think you can gain advantage over your friend or our android, consider yourself dared! We invite you to crash your opponent, whomever that may be, like rock crushes scissors! Don't let the other player beat you!

Taking our version of Rock-paper-scissors is great fun! Funny sounds and good graphics are provided for you, so come and have a go!

There are 2 versions of this cute little game, the objective of which is to select a shape that will defeat the shape taken by your opponent.

1. classic rock-paper-scissors (you can play it against your friend/real person or against our android) where the propositions are as follows: the "rock" defeats scissors, the "scissors" cut paper and the "paper" covers rock; in a situation where both players throw the same shape, the game is considered tied.

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

Let us briefly remind you of the basic shapes and their respective hand gestures:

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

• Rock is represented by a clenched fist

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

• Scissors are represented by two fingers extended and separated

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

• Paper is represented by an open hand, with the fingers extended and touching, thus representing a sheet of paper

2. modern rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock, where two new gestures, "spock" and "lizard" have been added so the odds of a tie could be reduced whereas the complexity of the game increased. The propositions of this extended version are as follows: the "spock" smashes the "scissors" and vaporizes the "rock"; however, the "spock" is poisoned by the "lizard" and disproven by the "paper". Although the "lizard" eats paper, it is crushed by the "rock" and decapitated by the "scissors".

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

Here is a brief reminder of the added hand gestures as well:

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

• Spock is represented by the Star Trek Vulcan salute

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

• Lizard is represented by a hand forming a sock-puppet-like mouth

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Rock Paper Scissors-APP點子

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